SOLD – 38′ 1947 Luders 24 - ID: 45247


LOA 38' 0"
LOD 24' 0"
Beam 6' 3"
Draft 5' 0"
Displacement 6,300 lbs
2,858 kg

SOLD – 38′ 1947 Luders 24


North is a 38’ L-24 designed by Bill (A.E.) Luders and built at the Luder’s yard in Stamford CT in 1947. The “hot molded” wood composite Luders 24 offers everything you could want from a classic day racer: beauty, pedigree, sailing performance, and proven track record on the classic regatta circuit. North is a fine example, restored in the early 2000s and offered for sale in very good structural and aesthetic condition. She’s currently stored in Newport, RI ready for showings.

Rigs and Deck Gear:
• New teardrop sitka spruce mast, built according to original specifications by Dexter Cooper in 2001; internal halyards, three winches, needs hardware and rigging.
• Oval section aluminum mast, external halyards, SS standing rigging, Dacron running rigging.
• Sitka Spruce boom.
• 2 x 40ST Bronze primary winches
• Lewmar 30ST bronze main sheet winch

• 2 mains
• 3 jib / genoa
• 1 symetrical spinnaker

• Electric panel, VHF running lights
• Manual and electric bilge pump
• Fortress Anchor
• Mainsail cover and cushions
• Fenders and Docklines

Luders hot-molded construction:
The Luders yard refined the “hot-molding” technique building laminated verneer/plywood lifeboats for the navy during WWII. The boats were airdropped to downed pilots so the hulls had to be strong but extremely light. The technique they devised, and later applied to the L-24, was to laminate 1/8th” thick mahogany verneers over a mold with resorcinol glue. Resorcinol required heat to cure so the hulls were baked in an autoclave oven, hence “hot molding.” The L-24s were, at the time of their build, the largest wood composite boats ever built. The technique was the predecessor to modern composite boatbuilding, the principal difference being a modern cold molded boat is laminated with epoxy, which doesn’t require heat or pressure to cure, rather than resorcinol.
• hot molded mahogany plywood hull, diagonal veneers;
• laminated mahogany backbone, rudder, and cabin house;
• laminated sitka spruce frames;
• plywood deck sheathed in Zylon
• Lead ballast
• bronze keel bolts and fasteners

Rebuilding work (concluded 2001; stored indoors until November 2010 launch): The ballast was dropped and the keel plank replaced from stem scarf to rudder post. Two-thirds of the underbody was re-laminated with 1/8” Honduras mahogany veneers, edge-scarfed and epoxy glued. New floor timbers, additional laminated frames amidships; new keel bolts, all other fasteners also renewed. New mast step with gripe fitted beneath it at the forefoot scarf; laminated ring frame girdling hull at main chain plates. Frames and knees renewed where necessary. New 5/16” Sapele deck covered with Zylon, deck beams replaced where necessary. Rudder reworked, faired and epoxy sheathed. New bronze gudgeons. Interior skin sanded, epoxy saturated, and varnished. Exterior surface of the hull epoxy sheathed with one layer Zylon, with two additional layers of 8 oz. glass between the underside of the keelplank and top surface of the ballast. Cabin reworked with additional layer of veneer on coach roof.

More complete listing to follow.




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